Bob & Barry Music

Bob began writing songs in high school and continued when he lived in Chicago. Barry was writing while playing cover songs live here in the Port Huron area. To hear this music, go back to the menu and pick Bob’s Music or Barry’s Music. Once Bob moved home they began to collaborate…..

Diatribe MusicThis Was a Project recorded at Bobs house. 1996? Both of us played instrumentation and cowrote songs.

Ol’ Man of the Woods
3 Forks

Diatribe music continues – 1994? Looking for a more advanced and funky sound.

Change Comes Hard
Put It Out
Tune it Out

After Diatribe Music…
Barry ventured off to do more live performing and continued to write songs looking for a heavier/progressive sound inspired by 90’s alt rock and grunge. 4 CDs were created in the years that followed. See our other websites to purchase these. and

Bob continued writing and brought in musicians from other parts of the country to add their ideas via the internet. He also began using Band in a Box and other musical software to bring in new musical performances and ideas.
The musical directions we took were varied and different. To hear all of these other songs return to the menu and click on Barry’s Music or Bob’s Music … we were always influencing each other over the years, which is how we ended up here.

Oops, here’s another one, we keep finding them!

Can Feel Change Now